
Stream Sniping

Stream sniping refers to players realizing that one or more of the enemy team is streaming live on a broadcasting platform, such as or, and tuning into their opponents stream to gain an information advantage. As a result of stream sniping, many streamers and almost all tournament events choose to operate on a broadcast-delay, where the video feed is delayed by 2-10 minutes to best minimize the risk of players or their associates being able to gain an unfair advantage. As the axiom goes, “Knowledge is Power”, and the real-time information that stream sniping generates certainly qualifies.

Stream sniping is generally forbidden and is always considered shady. See also Ghosting for Counter-Strike’s equivalent to stream sniping.

For example, stream sniping provides insight into an opponent’s:
– communication style
– emotional status, or ’tilt’ – particularly useful before and after ‘plays’ are made
– physical location on the map
– planned tactical choices
– (immediate) reaction to battlefield events

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